Understanding the Union Budget 2013-14


The Union Budget is the most important economic event of the year for the nation and sets the direction of the economy. As such, it is crucial to the life of every individual – whether a businessman or the poorest of the poor. While tax related proposals are important, expenditures are crucial to the well-being of the public. The Union budget is important for the States since resources are transferred to them. It impacts the health of the Public Sector Units and determines how well the Five year Plans work.
It is a complex document consisting of many parts which are not easily understandable by the lay public, especially because many technical terms are used. It impacts both the macro and the micro economic environment. At times, what may appear to be sound policy may turn out to be otherwise. It is not just an economic statement but also a political one.

Prof. Arun Kumar, CESP/SSS, JNU 
and Prof. Abhijit Sen, CESP/SSS, JNU and Member, Planning Commission.

Venue:  Lecture Hall 1, Convention Centre, JNU

Date and Time: 4th March 2013 (Monday), 4:30 pm

Finding Geospatial Solution of Social Crime


The presence of crime in society today is a multifaceted problem. It is the result of many factors and no attempt will be made here to explain all crime. Crime is the violation of the rules and regulations enforced by the society from time to time for which definite punishment is set by law. It is an inherent part of every society irrespective of their level of development, geographical location etc. But the magnitude and the nature of crime vary across time, space. Social crime is a deviated behaviour and to a large extent tradition, culture of the society has bearing on this. Such as the nature of crime against women is somehow determined by the patriarchy which put women as a subordinate to men like a weak, private commodity. In the present discussion we would like to focuses on the present nature of crime against women in Delhi and would like to explore the possibilities of reducing this by introducing the geospatial technology. Since the integration of geospatial and surveillance technologies has the capability of quick decision making, we’ll discuss here the opportunities of whether we can have any Geospatial solution of social crime or not?

Speaker:  Tarashanker Chaudhary & Prasenjit Acharya, Postgraduate Research Scholar, CSRD/SSS, JNU

Venue:  Committee Room, JNU Central Library

Date and Time: 23rd February 2013 (Saturday), 3:00 pm